Sunday, 10 April 2011

Midnight at the Dragon Cafe

After reading Judy Fong Bates' novel, Midnight at the Dragon Cafe, (which is the text for Toronto Public Library's ONE BOOK program,) I've been thinking about activities for a Girls' Novel Club at the school where I work as a teacher-librarian. More students are reading the book, courtesy of the TPL, and enthusiasm is cresting. Students are eagerly discussing the "mystery" of the novel-- the secrets that riddle the family. There is much discussion about the character of the mother in the novel.

In addition to weekly discussions here are some other ideas:

  • Create a book display using rice bowls, chopsticks, and if possible, a menu from a Chinese restaurant. I my case, I used one from the town where I grew up. 
  • Feature Chinese recipe books in addition to the menu, to highlight the differences in Chinese cuisine as related in the novel.
  • Host a take-out Chinese lunch for your book club
  • Create a dialogue between Annie and her mother. Have students write the dialogue, perhaps a discussion that never occurred in the novel, and have them act it out.
  • Write a letter, "in role" as Annie to Elder Brother
  • Charlotte's mother, Mrs. Heighington, says to Annie: "Annie, you are indeed a boon companion." What do you think this means to Annie? How is Charlotte's mother different from her own?

This is a book display in our library complete with chopsticks and take out menu from Chinese Restaurant in Brockville called The New York Cafe. The Chinese musician doll represents the opera and music in the novel.

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